Fall Fest Photo Gallery

Fall Fest Photography Contest Gallery
Click on a pic to view the full image. Scroll right to move through the gallery. Scroll left to review previous images.

rescheduled to Sunday, October 15!
Check this page and our WVT Facebook page the day before and day of for cancellation due to weather!
Vendors will be providing baskets of goods/gifts.
ONE FREE TICKET if you sign up for our eNewsletter, Join Our Email List, complete our Clean Energy Survey, or fill out our Healthy Yard Application.
Purchase your raffle tickets on site for a chance to win something fun!

Food Trucks providing tasty fare - Epicurean Garage, Buenos Aires Empanadas, Bucktown Grille, Blue Wren Coffee

rescheduled to Sunday, October 15!
Join your West Vincent friends and neighbors and celebrate nature at its best while enjoying delicious food, participating in musical jam sessions, taking informative walks through our park, and more!
Enter your best baked good in our Baking Contest or your favorite photo in our Photography Contest!
Children can enjoy kids' games and activities all day!
Register your pet in our Pet Parade and Contest!
If you would like to volunteer your time, complete the Fall Fest Volunteer Sign Up Form.
rescheduled to Sunday, October 15!

US Border Patrol working K9, Yoda, was in the news in our area capturing the escaped fugitive this month.
To showcase working K9 training, Simon Raban and Laurence Armstrong of Philadelphia Working K9 Club will demonstrate dog sports (Schutzhund) obedience and protection exercises with Luna of LA Harde Hond (same breed dog as Yoda).
They will also explain the basic training methods used in this high-level dog training and answer audience’s questions.

rescheduled to Sunday, October 15!

American Martial Arts Academy will be performing a demo of martial arts skills and techniques and providing martial arts lessons, and kids' activities.
Purchase a raffle ticket for a chance to win an American Martial Arts Academy basket of goods/services.
rescheduled to Sunday, October 15!

Treat your pet to a ($5) pedicure with Vanity Fur “nail salon.”
Just walk on up and rest those weary paws!

Skycastle's hunting hounds will be waiting to meet new friends.
Activities Taking Place ALL DAY
Meadow Maze
Kids' Activities - kite making, pumpkin painting, bag decorating, and make your own scarecrow
Baking Contest
Photography Contest
Schedule of Events
Click on links to let us know your interest.
Other Fun Things To Do!
check start times on our
Schedule of Events
Kids' Games - sack races, egg toss, tug of war, 3-legged races
Walks Through the Park - Mini Bird Walk, Tree ID Walk, and Foraging Walk
Musical Jam Sessions - bring your instrument and make some music with friends
Special Events - Martial Arts Exhibition and our Pet Parade
Pet Parade
rescheduled to Sunday, October 15!
After the parade, why not treat your pet to a ($5) pedicure with Vanity Fur “nail salon?"
Just walk on up and rest those weary paws!

Main Line Animal Rescue (MLAR) and West Vincent Township are hosting a Pet Parade and Contest!
MLAR will be showcasing some of their pets for adoption.
Owners and pets are welcome to participate in this fun, engaging activity!
Register your pet(s) at the PET PARADE TENT 11:00 a.m. - 12:45 p.m.
Please complete one registration form PER PET!
Pet parade - at the PET PARADE TENT - 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Winners of the contest will be announced by our judges at the end of the parade.
Thank you to our judges:
Senator Katie Muth, Judge John Hipple, and Rep. Kristine Howard
Also, thank you to the Bazil Group for their attention and assistance.
We are excited to see your pets on parade and appreciate your participation!!
Rules & Regulations
All animals must be walked by an adult and may be accompanied by a child
Each pet must be leashed, crated or otherwise suitable restrained to the satisfaction of volunteers present.
No aggressive animals are allowed to participate
Do not bring animals that are “in heat”
Owners are responsible for cleaning up after their pet
The pet’s behavior is the responsibility of the owner and control of the pet must be maintained at all times – owners of misbehaving pets may be asked to leave
Only non-motorized vehicles (i.e. wagons, bicycles, etc.) may be used for pet or owner transport for the parade
While waiting for their pedicure, have your pet meet one of Skycastle's hunting hounds.

Baking Contest
rescheduled to Sunday, October 15!
Calling all bakers!
Fall Fest Baking Contest
Our judges -
Senator Katie Muth, Judge John Hipple, and WVE Nurse, Becky Kilfoy

This contest is for amateur bakers of all ages. Professional chefs, cooks, or businesses may not enter.
Baked good must be made off site within 24 hours prior to the contest. Store bought baked goods are not permitted.
Refrigeration of baked goods or baked goods that are time/temperature controlled are not permitted.
Entrants may only provide one entry/one recipe per category (Pies, Breads, Cookies/Cupcakes) of judging.
Category descriptions: Pies - apple, blueberry, rhubarb, any other type of pie. Breads - stuffed breads, plain grain, banana bread, zucchini bread, any other type of breads. Cookies/Cupcakes - any type of cookie or cupcake.
Entrants under 18 years of age must have parental consent (see Entry Form) and be accompanied by a parent/legal guardian at the event to participate.
A recipe card/slip must be submitted with each entry listing all ingredients, quantities, and preparations. Entrant's name, address, phone number, and age should be printed on the back of the recipe card/slip.

Judging and Prizes:
Entry must be submitted for judging on a food-safe disposable setting (all plates, pans, or dishes are considered to be disposable and will not be returned).
A recipe card/slip must be submitted with each entry listing all ingredients, quantities, and preparations. Entrant's name, address, phone number, and age should be printed on the back of the recipe card/slip.
Items will be judged on:
FLAVOR (aroma, taste, good balance) -30 pts
TEXTURE (appropriate for each type of baked good) - 25 pts
INSIDE CHARACTERISTICS (even grain, evenly baked) - 15 pts
OUTSIDE CHARACTERISTICS (uniform size, overall appeal) - 15 pts
All entrants receive points for entry – 5 pts

Contest Day:
Check in begins at 12:00 Noon at the Baking Contest table.
Winners will be announced after the Pet Parade. You must be present to win.
Blue Ribbons will be awarded to the winners in each category and will be given $25 gift cards to Butterscotch Pastry Shop.
Print and complete our Contest Rules and Entry Form to submit your tasty entries.
Photography Contest
rescheduled to Sunday, October 15!

Submit your best pics of West Vincent
(or anywhere)
animals and landscapes!
Fall Fest Photography Contest
Our judges -
Destiny Bussey, local photographer,
Ken Alan, Parks & Recreation member, and
Megan Cook, OJR HS Digital Art and Design teacher
This contest is for amateur photographers.
Entrants under 18 years of age require the permission of a parent or guardian.
All photos must be original work, taken by the entrants.
Sumit your photo(s) using the online Fall Fest Photography Contest Entry Form or printed on photo paper in 5” x 7” unmatted format and dropped off to the Township Building.
Submissions will not be accepted after the deadline date of Monday, October 9, 2023. You may submit three entries per category.
The winners will be contacted via the email address provided on the entry form by Friday, October 13, 2023.
All entries will be displayed in a 5” x 7” unmatted format at the Fall Fest Photography Contest table.
The winning entries will be displayed in a 11” x 14” unmatted format at the Fall Fest Photography Contest table with a blue ribbon.
By entering the contest, Entrants agree that photos submitted can be used by West Vincent Township (WVT) for advertising purposes on the township website, WVT Facebook, and WVT Instagram social media accounts.
Entrants must submit a completed Contest Rules and Entry Form either online or in print, with their image(s)/photo(s).
Judging and Prizes:
All entries will be displayed in a 5” x 7” unmatted format at the Fall Fest Photography Contest table. Your printed 5" x 7" image will be used for determining the winners.
The winning entries will be displayed in a 11” x 14” unmatted format at the Fall Fest Photography Contest table with a blue ribbon and winning photographers will be given a $25 gift cards to Ludwig's Village Market & Catering.
Photos will be judged on:
Creativity and Impact (40%) – the "I wish I'd taken that picture" reaction.
Composition (30%) - The arrangement of the forms within the photo should be pleasing to the eye. How well did the photographer use the available space within their format?
Quality of Picture (30%) – lighting, focus, exposure
Full Photography Contest Rules and Entry Form.
Online Photography Contest Rules and Entry Form.