2023 Community Day
Saturday, October 14
more information to come...
2023 Community Day Saturday, October 14

Rachel Kim!

Winner of our 2022 #wvtifoundvincent Instagram Contest!
Thank you to all who participated and had fun finding Vincent!

on the Township Campus
Andrew Evans Park,
2420 Conestoga Road, Chester Springs, PA
Join your West Vincent friends and neighbors and enjoy local music and entertainment, food, children activities, a pet parade, and a yoga session.

Our West Vincent Police Department, Kimberton Fire Company, Ludwig's Corner Fire Company, Ridge Fire Company and Uwchlan Ambulance Corps and West End Fire Co. EMS will be in attendance.
Stop by-- say hello--let them know how much you appreciate their service to our township!

Thank you to our sponsors!

Bartlett Trees will be giving away 200 free native tree seedlings!
If you are a local artist, jewelry maker, sell or make home decor, clothing, accessories, make healthy snacks, specialty baked items, sell local fare--please join us!
We invite local business and groups to participate as an exhibitor, vendor and/or a sponsor. There is still time!
Please complete the on-line Community Day Participation & Registration Application below.
Our township advisory committees will have tables displaying:
our environmental and conservation programs,
some interesting township history,
progress in our parks and trails,
a sustainability and energy expo, and
electric vehicles on site

EAC will be giving away free Butterfly Milkweed plants!
Our Energy Expo will have vendors and exhibitors that will provide information and examples of energy efficiency, Energy Star appliances, rebates, home energy audits, geothermal and advanced HVAC systems, commercial/residential solar arrays, electric landscape equipment, electric cars, and chargers.

Entertainment Schedule

Our announcer, Melinda Arcara will guide you through our events and activities!
By the stage enjoy the sounds of:
Dan Frantz - 10-11 - guitar and vocal
Chris Lebresco - 11-12 - guitar and vocal
Dave Loves Donna - 12-1 - duo guitar and vocal
Rhythm Road - 1-2 - blues band
Bollywood Singers - 2-3 - Raju Kunaparaju and friends
At the gazebo relax with:
Tom Emery, classical guitar
15 minute sets throughout the day
Activities on the soccer field.
Just walk on up and enjoy a class!
10 - 11 - Mat Pilates - Jen Buckley, Ignite Fitness Studio - bring your mat, bottle of water and limber limbs!
11 -12 - Stretching/Warm Up/Post-Workout - Rebecca Mackey, BecFitness - work out your kinks and stretch your muscles, learn post-workout moves!
12 - 1 - Yoga - Sheila K, Yoga with Sheila K - move with intention in our yoga in the park session!
10 - 3 - Soccer - Lionville Soccer Club ages 7-12, boys and girls
at the top of every hour
join the team members in 30-40
minute soccer drills and
footwork skills!

Activities by the outfield!
All ages welcome!
Sack Race - 10:00
3-Legged Race- 11:00
Tug of War - 12:00
Egg Spoon Race - 1:00
Egg Toss Race - 2:00
Other fun things to do!
Corn Hole
Tic Tac Toe
Inflatable Horse Derby Race
Bouncy House
Trackless Train
Win one of ten free Revival pizzas!

Contest details:
Visit one or more of our Township tables (Administration, Clean Energy Transition Team, Environmental Advisory Council, Historic Commission, Historic Resources Committee, Parks & Recreation Commission, Sustainability Committee, Open Space Commission)
Swipe one or both QR codes to Join Our Email List (email notifications) or to join our monthly eNewsletter (you may only swipe ONCE for each QR code).
Each membership counts as an entry.
Winners selected at random and will be notified on Monday, May 16!
Current recipients of our email notifications and/or eNewsletter may still participate (you will not receive duplicate emails).
Only submissions dated May 14 will be eligible for the pizza contest.
Don't have a phone? Complete a registration form at the Township Administration table! Your registration for one or both of the notifications will be your entry.
Good luck! Learn about what's happening! Make a new township friend!
Enter our Instagram Contest!
Where's Vincent?
Introducing our West Vincent Township gnome! Vincent will be on the move all summer at various township businesses and other locations around the township (trails, parks, developments). He will begin his journey at Community Day!
Follow us on Instagram at: wvtownship, find Vincent,
snap a picture with him,
post the pic on Instagram,
and in the caption type: #wvtifoundvincent.
At Community Day: Vincent will be in a different location every hour! Look for him as you make your way around the different activities and tables!

Around the Township: Find Vincent at any of our local businesses during the summer. He will move around each month in May, June, July, and August! Be sure to include you, Vincent and the location in the picture!
Contest Instructions:
Follow us on Instagram at: wvtownship
(You MUST follow us on Instagram in order for our
entry to be accepted).
Take a pic WITH Vincent AT the location AND type: #wvtifoundvincent in the caption!
You will be assigned a raffle entry for each picture on Instagram where you type: #wvtifoundvincent in the caption! Note: only one entry, per person, per location.
Post all five locations at Community Day and you will be given an extra raffle entry!
Raffle winner will be selected at random and will receive a $150 VISA gift card. Contest runs from May 14, 2022 through August 31, 2022. Winner will be notified on our Instagram account, township Facebook page and township website on September 2, 2022.
Pet Parade and Contest!

Phoenix Animal Rescue, The Bazil Group and West Vincent Township are hosting a Pet Parade and Contest!
Owners and pets are welcome to participate in this fun, engaging activity!
Register your pet(s) at the PET PARADE TENT 11:00 a.m. - 12:45 p.m.
Please complete one registration form PER PET!
Pet parade - at the PET PARADE TENT - 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Note: if the weather is too hot, West Vincent Township reserves the right to cancel the parade for the health and safety of the animals.
Winners of the contest will be announced by our judges at the end of the parade.
We are excited to see your pets on parade and appreciate your participation!!
Rules & Regulations
• All animals must be walked by an adult and may be accompanied by a child
• Each pet must be leashed, crated or otherwise suitable restrained to the
satisfaction of volunteers present.
• No aggressive animals are allowed to participate
• Do not bring animals that are “in heat”
• Owners are responsible for cleaning up after their pet
• The pet’s behavior is the responsibility of the owner and control of the pet
must be maintained at all times – owners of misbehaving pets may be
asked to leave
• Only non-motorized vehicles (i.e. wagons, bicycles, etc.) may be used for
pet or owner transport for the parade
Bring a Plant to the Plant Swap!

It’s Spring! Now is the time to choose one of the plants from your garden (or garden shop) to trade at our Community Day Plant Swap!
Bring a plant, pick a plant to take home! If you have some perennial or reseeded annual flowers which are beginning to pop up in your garden, place it in a pot! Set that pot in the garden so it can continue to grow through the spring’s warm rains!
Bring that happy plant to the Plant Swap table and look for one to take home with you. Label your plant with its name and features you love about it.
You may also bring an extra clump of a flowering shrub or perennial. No plants to spare in your garden? It’s ok to swap a purchased annual!
Can’t think of which plants to swap? Desirable plants which are pollinator favorites include bee balm, echinacea, elderberry, mountain mint, pink muhly grass, wild blue indigo, thread leaf coreopsis, fringed bleeding heart. Desirable annual plants include zinnia, nasturtium, celosia, and cleomethose.
Volunteers will be happy to hold your chosen plant until you leave the grounds.
Share your love of gardens and pollinators with friends at the Plant Swap!

Our Committment to Recycling!

Recycling containers will be available for :
plastic bottles,
metal cans
All other items will be collected in the regular trash containers.
Please bring your own reusable water bottles.
Water stations will be located at the following locations:
Township table
Soccer field